Find below all the answers to the frequently asked questions.

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Bioclimatic pergolas

In which direction are the slats positioned on your leaning bioclimatic pergolas?

Since 2022, the blades of the 3x3, 3x3.6, 3x5.3 and 3.6x6 bioclimatic pergolas are all positioned perpendicular to the wall of your house. The advantage, for south facing terraces, is that in winter, with the slats open, the sun‘s rays will enter your home. In the summer, you can play with the slats to provide shade and ventilation.

I have limited space to fix my bioclimatic pergola leaning against the wall, what is the total height of the rooms leaning against the wall, what is the height of passage under the pergola and the height with open blades?

The total height of the pieces leaning against the wall is 23.57 cm including the pieces A2 and A3 (which are positioned at the ends of the pergola). Without these pieces, the total height is 17.6 cm.
The passage height under the pergola is 239 cm and the total external height of the pergola with open slats is 261 cm.

Can I cut the legs of my pergola to make it shorter?

You can cut the legs but you must be careful to cut them precisely on each side. The thread that holds the screws to attach the plates runs the full height of the foot. You will be able to fix the plate under the foot, only if you cut the foot straight (do not cut the foot diagonally). You will have to recreate the water drainage holes on the foot.
However, if you cut the legs, you should take into account that the accessories will no longer be compatible. The warranty will also be void.

Is the hardware for fixing the pergola to the ground provided?

Yes, you will find in your package 4 dowels per post, intended for a concrete floor. Their dimensions are : M8*80, 8cm long and 8mm diameter. To drill the holes you will need a concrete drill with a diameter of 8mm. Then, to tighten the dowels you will need a 13mm wrench opening..

What is the RAL of your anthracite bioclimatic pergolas?

Our colors are not RAL, we use a Tiger Drylac paint specially developed for our pergolas. The closest RAL color is ca. 7015 FS/MATT, however they do not match exactly. It is darker than RAL 7015 but lighter than RAL 7016.


I want to install Ombréa® blinds on my Umbréa® 3x3 freestanding pergola, can I install them on all sides?

If you bought your Ombréa® pergola in 2020 and early 2021, the awning can only be fixed on 1 side of the pergola (the side parallel to the crank) of 279cm. The perpendicular side measures 282cm.
If you bought your pergola from mid-2021, you can install 3 awnings on 3 different sides. It is not possible to attach an awning on the side of the crank.
We are constantly improving our products to satisfy you as much as possible and we ask you, in order to know exactly the compatibility of your pergola with your accessory, to go on our website, on the product page of your pergola (product pages available here) and to consult the "Our Advice" section.

bioclimatic pergolas delivery

How is the delivery of my pergola?

1. Once the order is placed and if the product is in stock, you will receive in the following days a first SMS, also confirmed by email, from the carrier, to the coordinates communicated at the time of your order, which will ask you to give additional information on your delivery place.
2. A few days later, you will receive a second sms from our carrier who will offer you a week‘s delivery you can accept or refuse.
3. Then a few days later, you will receive a last sms from the carrier, which will propose you a day of delivery, you can accept or refuse it. Be careful, in case of refusal the carrier will necessarily postpone the delivery to the following week.
4. On the day of delivery, the carrier will call you one hour before to let you know that he will arrive soon to deliver.
5. Once arrived at your place, the carrier will deposit your parcels, with the help of a forklift, on a pallet.
NB : Please note, it is not possible to contact the carrier once en route to your home. More information on the delivery process.

I have not been contacted by the carrier for the delivery of my pergola, what should I do?

First of all, we ask you to verify that the product is in stock. If it is not in stock you should have received an email with the subject "Waiting for restocking". To make sure the product is in stock, you can go to the page of the product you ordered ( product pages available here) Check if below the price and above "Shipping included" there is a restocking date indicated. If there is not, the product is in stock.
We also ask you to check all the sms and emails that have been sent to you, to the coordinates indicated during your order, since the date of purchase.
If you do not find any contact information, you can contact the Ombréa customer service by clicking ici and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Can I know what time I will be delivered?

It depends on the carrier assigned, but overall, for the delivery of our bioclimatic pergolas, it is not possible to know the time at which the carrier will come. You must reserve a full day, between 8am and 6pm, and the driver will call you 1 hour before his arrival to inform you of his imminent arrival.

I have received my order but I want to return a product, what do I do?

According to the article L221-18 of the code of consumption, you have a period of 14 working days, from the day of receipt of your order to exercise your right of withdrawal.
Only products in new condition and complete (instructions, accessories), returned in their original packaging will be accepted. Any product which will have been damaged, or whose original packing will have been deteriorated in conditions exceeding its simple opening will not be taken back, nor refunded.
If you meet the above conditions, we ask you to go to our Terms and Conditions page ( available here), then in the paragraph "RETRACTION PERIOD". Download and fill in the withdrawal form, then send it by email to the address indicated on the document, accompanied by several photos of your package intact.
Transport costs will be invoiced to you, on estimate beforehand, to proceed to the return and the forwarding of the parcel(s).
Upon receipt of the form and photos, and if all elements are compliant and accepted, Comintes will transmit the information to a carrier who will contact you to proceed with the return of your package(s).

Installation of bioclimatic pergolas

Do you have fitters to install my bioclimatic pergola?

At this time we do not offer an assembly service. However, upon request, we can send you the contact information of a professional who has already assembled several of our pergolas. He is a professional carpenter who travels within a 200 km radius around the Oise region. You can contact us by click here.

On what type of ground do you recommend to fix the Ombréa® bioclimatic pergola?

We recommend that you mount the pergola on a hard, solid and flat surface. The best solution would be to fix it on a concrete slab.

I want to create concrete blocks on my lawn to fix my pergola, what is the recommended size of blocks?

We recommend to fix your pergola on concrete blocks of 25x25 cm.

Is it necessary to make declarations to the town hall to install a bioclimatic pergola?

It depends on where you live. We advise you to get information from your town hall to know the regulations in force in your area. In general, for a leaning bioclimatic pergola with a floor area between 5m² and 20m², you will have to make a preliminary declaration of works at the town hall. For a bioclimatic pergola with a surface area of more than 20m², you will have to apply for a building permit at the town hall. For self-supporting pergolas between 5m² and 20m², you will have to apply for a building permit at your local town hall. For more information, you can consult the public service website, category new construction:

Installation of accessories

Can I buy my accessories after installing my pergola?

Yes, the accessories can be installed after your pergola has been assembled.
However, we recommend that you buy them at the same time as your pergola for 2 reasons:
- Our products are constantly being improved to meet your requirements, it may be possible that a new accessory model is released that is no longer compatible with your pergola model.
- If you buy your accessory at the same time as your pergola, you can assemble it with the pergola and then fix it to the ground. This will prevent your pergola from being badly fixed (for example, the posts are not positioned at 90°) and the accessories from having difficulty in being fixed.