Ombrea® is committed to assist you and ensure your satisfaction after your purchase.

I check that my product meets the warranty conditions


Our products comply with the regulations and standards in force and are guaranteed against all manufacturing defects. We guarantee the quality of our products provided that they are installed properly and in accordance with our assembly instructions and used under normal operating conditions. Spare parts are guaranteed for a period of 5 years for Ombrea bioclimatic pergolas and for a period of 2 years for Ombrea accessories, depending on the date of purchase shown on the invoice.

Before mounting your product, we ask you to:

  • Store your merchandise away from rain, humidity, sunlight, in a ventilated area, on a stable and level surface.
  • To carry out the inventory of the parts by helping you with the nomenclature of the assembly instructions. In case of missing parts or anomalies, you will have to make a request within 30 days following the delivery, on the SAV site:
  • To read the assembly instructions carefully

The warranty is only valid if the storage, assembly, use and maintenance instructions are followed.

The warranty does not cover:

  • Normal wear and tear inherent to the products.
  • Loss or breakage of any part during unpacking or installation.
  • Lack of reasonable care, neglect, vandalism, impact with foreign objects, use of force, contact with abrasives, aesthetics, disassembly, reconstruction or relocation.
  • Roofs and gutters must always be kept clean and receive special attention to keep them watertight and free of leaves and snow. Hardware parts must be oiled regularly and at least once a year.
  • Major forces: hail, high winds and storms, snow, flooding, lightning …
  • Products modified by the Buyer (without prior consultation and validation by Ombréa®)).

In case of non-respect of these prescriptions, the responsibility of Ombréa ® cannot be committed. In the event that one of the products sold by Ombréa ® would be recognized as defective or non-compliant by Ombréa's services ®, the warranty only includes the pure and simple replacement of the spare part or the product supplied, to the exclusion of all costs and compensation of any kind. Any indirect damage is excluded from our responsibility. Any return of product made before the prior implementation of our after-sales procedure and approval, will not engage us under warranty. The possible expenses of installation, removal, displacement, port, are not taken in charge. The replacement will be identical only within the limits of production and stock availability. In the contrary case, we will be held that with the replacement with the equivalent.

I enter my service request on our online portal

Any request for a guarantee must be made on the portal:

You will need to click on "New Account" and then enter your information. An email will be sent to you and you will need to confirm your email by clicking on a link. Once you have confirmed your email address, you can log in to your account and submit your application.

We will only process requests through this portal.

In case of delivery delay, questions about the assembly, you can contact our customer service.

Before submitting your application, please gather all the necessary information. In particular, you will need:

  • Proof of purchase of the product, for example: invoice or confirmation of purchase by e-mail
  • Product reference number, which can be found on your purchase confirmation or invoice and begins with 15-7xxxxx
  • Reference numbers of the presumed defective parts, numbers that can be found in the product manual and that begin with a letter of the alphabet.
  • Photos showing these allegations, (2/3 photos on several views).

Any file that is incomplete, unclear, or out of time will not allow the implementation of the guarantee.

Parts suspected of being defective must be kept available for inspection by the manufacturer. Only one warranty shipment per product will be made per customer.

I follow the progress of my treatment online

A file number will be given to you and you will be able to follow the progress of its treatment online.

If all the elements are conform, we will send you the part to replace.

Ombréa® undertakes to respond as quickly as possible to after-sales service requests after receipt of the complete file.